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2020 dominican writers conference

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Program schedule

Check out the schedule below and hover over it for more information.



CHECK IN-10:00AM- 11:00AM


KEYNOTE- 11:30AM - 12:10PM



12:10PM - 1:00PM



SESSION 1: 1:15PM - 2:30PM


SESSION 2: 2:45PM - 4:00PM 


SESSION 3: 4:15PM - 5:30PM

SESSION 1:  1:15-2:30PM
Facilitated by Astrid Ferguson
The Three C's Every Author Needs In The Writing Business
Facilitated by Astrid Ferguson
The Three C's Every Author Needs In The Writing Business

The Three C's Every Author Needs In The Writing Business: Will provide context for writers to learn the three C's (courage, confidence and consistency) to overcome rejection and develop relentless writers/authors business with a deeper mission. Identifying a strong why will make "No" sound like an opportunity to get into more bookstores and award ceremonies. In this workshop we will learn how to deal with rejection, develop the confidence in telling unconventional stories the world needs, consistently show up for our readers and dispel limiting beliefs. We all have stories inside of us and it's time we set them free.

Facilitated by Roxana Marte
¿Qué necesita en materia literaria RD para que la escritura dominicana se siga valorando local e internacionalmente?
Facilitated by Roxana Marte
¿Qué necesita en materia literaria RD para que la escritura dominicana se siga valorando local e internacionalmente?

 Discutir cuales son los aspectos relevantes para lograr el desarrollo de la literatura dominicana.  La idea es generar un debate sobre los puntos  CUENTARD como proyecto de promoción literaria considera impactarán en el desarrollo literario dominicano. Entre ellos, la primera fase es crear una plataforma que forme a los escritores en RD, para lograr que los prospectos escritores puedan desarrollar habilidades para llevar a cabo su labor creativa, labor que está realizando CUENTARD. 

Facilitated by Luz Mack
The multidimensional Creative Writer
Facilitated by Luz Mack
The multidimensional Creative Writer

 Discutir cuales son los aspectos relevantes para lograr el desarrollo de la literatura dominicana.  La idea es generar un debate sobre los puntos  CUENTARD como proyecto de promoción literaria considera impactarán en el desarrollo literario dominicano. Entre ellos, la primera fase es crear una plataforma que forme a los escritores en RD, para lograr que los prospectos escritores puedan desarrollar habilidades para llevar a cabo su labor creativa, labor que está realizando CUENTARD. 

Facilitated by Clarivel Ruiz
Dear Haiti… With Love, From the DR- Black Doll Project and Love Letters 
Facilitated by Clarivel Ruiz
Dear Haiti… With Love, From the DR- Black Doll Project and Love Letters 

The Black Doll Project first started as an act of affirmation, sending Black Dolls, donated and hand made, to Kiskeya Ayiti (Hispaniola) to assert the love and power of our Blackness. Love Letters are included with each doll to uplift our young people allowing them to know how powerful, beautiful, and worthy they are. We ask participants to come from the perspective that they are writing a letter to their inner child, validating, and empowering their experiences. 

Facilitated by Annecy Baez
Telling Our Stories (Contando nuestra Historia) – Trauma, Loss and Illness: 
Facilitated by Annecy Baez
Telling Our Stories (Contando nuestra Historia) – Trauma, Loss and Illness: 

Recent studies show that writing about traumatic experiences enhances physical and  psychological well-being. Expressive writing reduces the mental and psychological harm caused by emotional stress of traumatic events and promotes healing. This workshop invites participants to engage in meditation, storytelling, self-reflection through experiential  writing to support the healing process and begin to explore the transformative power of writing. We will embrace the silence, find the space to create the room of our own from within, write to find the strength in our vulnerability and our voice in the process.

SESSION 2:  2:45-4:00PM
Facilitated by Carolina Pichardo
Finding Your Spark in the Skies
Facilitated by Carolina Pichardo
Finding Your Spark in the Skies

Participants will learn about how the different elements in astrology (earth, water, air and fire) spark and influence our day-to-day creativity, how we interact with others and how we’re able to bring all these parts of ourselves to the telling of our stories. 

Facilitated by Roberto Carlos Garcia
When Our Literary Heroes
Fu*K Up
Facilitated by Roberto Carlos Garcia
When Our Literary Heroes
Fu*K Up

A dialogue about the psychic, emotional, physical, and financial investment we make in literature and in the authors we admire. The panelists will speak on how their favorite authors both inspired them and let them down by violating another writer’s trust. One of the key ideas of the panel is to convey the problematic nature of “hero worship” for writers of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and by extension, to push back against tokenism. The panel will also discuss the importance of holding institutions accountable for protecting artists, and in particular, artists from vulnerable communities. The dialogue will explore what the framework of social restorative justice could look like, and existing networks of support for writers/creatives living and working within and outside of the diaspora, that have been hurt by “literary heroes.” 

Facilitated by Erik "Advocate of Wordz"
Edit Sober
Facilitated by Erik "Advocate of Wordz"
Edit Sober

Edit Sober is a workshop that will delve into the process of editing written work (fiction/nonfiction, poem/prose). Participants will discuss the role of and differences between Developmental (Substantive) Editing, Copy (Line) Editing, and Proofreading. The key is to give some practical insight for new and self-publishing authors, so they may understand what type of editing their work requires and where along the process they’ll need it. The class is designed in a way to also assist authors who currently have no immediate interest in publishing, but who are simply seeking some guidance in what to do after completing their first draft. The techniques discussed may alternatively be used for those writers who have bits and pieces of a narrative or poem, but are unsure of how to put it together in a cohesive manner. 

Facilitated by Roxana Marte
Taller de Escritura Creativa en español. 
Facilitated by Roxana Marte
Taller de Escritura Creativa en español. 

Este taller trata de manera introductoria los temas de iniciación en la escritura creativa. Se hablará de las herramientas y técnicas para desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para escribir literatura. Se harán ejercicios prácticos para encontrar ideas y técnicas que ayuden a plantear la idea de un cuento. 

Facilitated by Sydney Valerio
MFA in Creative Writing at CCNY: Writing Our Stories Within Harlem's POC Community Space
Facilitated by Sydney Valerio
MFA in Creative Writing at CCNY: Writing Our Stories Within Harlem's POC Community Space


SESSION 3:  4:15-5:30PM
Facilitated by Project X
Poetry, Organizing, and Community Conversations  
Facilitated by Project X
Poetry, Organizing, and Community Conversations  

Members of Project X will participate in a conversation and panel of an idea and topics of their choosing, as well as perform some of their original poetry.  The conversation and panel may include: The intersection of Blackness and Queerness within the Latinx community, using poetry as a form of organizing and dismantling oppressive systems. 

Facilitated by Roxana Calderon
La experiencia y los obstaculos de escribir y publicar en español desde los Estados Unidos.
Facilitated by Roxana Calderon
La experiencia y los obstaculos de escribir y publicar en español desde los Estados Unidos.

La idea de este panel es exponer y discutir los pros y los contras de escribir, publicar libros y material en Español desde los Estados Unidos y cómo llegar desde aquí a otro mercados de Latinoamérica. Durante esta conversación expondremos el punto de vista y la experiencia de diferentes autores de habla hispana que viven en Nueva York.

Facilitated by Ser Álida
The Importance of Place: A Creative Statement Workshop 
Facilitated by Ser Álida
The Importance of Place: A Creative Statement Workshop 

The Workshop invites participants to engage in dialogue about the influence of place—physical, emotional, mental, and spatial— on the creative experience. Most MFA programs and fellowships require participants to write an essay detailing their creative vision and highlighting their candidacy. While ultimately the quality of the creative work determines acceptance, a good creative statement provides insight into their education, literary background, personal characteristics and creative vision. As part of the workshop participants will speak on how “place” shapes their vision, development, and approach as writers/creatives. 

Facilitated by Roxana Marte
Taller introductorio a la corrección de estilo en español
Facilitated by Roxana Marte
Taller introductorio a la corrección de estilo en español

Este taller trata de manera introductoria los temas de iniciación en la escritura creativa. Se hablará de las herramientas y técnicas para desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para escribir literatura. Se harán ejercicios prácticos para encontrar ideas y técnicas que ayuden a plantear la idea de un cuento. 

Facilitated by MelimeL
What Do You Zine? The Art of Zine Making
Facilitated by MelimeL
What Do You Zine? The Art of Zine Making

This workshop will cover an overview and history of zines, zine design and creation, and brainstorming ideas for zine making. Participants will outline ideas for creating a zine that facilitate reflection, art-making and writing on topics that interest the writer and potential readers. The workshop aims to bring the history and practice of zine creation to writers for their own development and production. During the workshop, participants will outline and draft a preliminary piece for a zine and share their ideas.  After the workshop, participants are highly encouraged to continue writing and creating their own zines.

Facilitated by TBA
Facilitated by TBA


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